The Training Institute has an administrative block housing 4 class rooms (all halls air-conditioned), a Conference Hall, a Library Hall, 2 Group Study Rooms, Office accommodation, Dining and Record Rooms, 1 Chamber for the Principal, 5 separate Chambers for as many faculty members and a Hostel Block with 50 rooms of double occupancy and quarters for Principal, faculty members and administrative staff.
As a part of computerization of Bank’s operations, the Apex Bank has helped ACSTI establish a computer lab with 23 computers and this lab is in one of the air-conditioned class rooms. All the training programs conducted at ACSTI are on residential basis.
The Training Institute has an Administrative Block housing 4 Lecture halls (all halls Air-Conditioned), a Conference Hall, a Library Hall, 2 Group Study Rooms, 1 Chamber for the Principal and 5 Separate Chambers for faculty members.

The Institute is having its own library with books on various subjects and fields of interests. The institute subscribes to a number of Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers. It had a good collection of reports, video cassettes, etc. The Library is kept open for study/reference to the trainees. There is a full-time librarian at the Institute, with his working hours staggered to suit the trainees. Every year, ACSTI collect list of books that would be added to its stocks (of books) on approval of the list by the Standing Advisory Committee. 3592 books on various subjects are available in the library, as on 31.03.2018.

Recreation Facility
The Institute provides facilities for outdoor games as well as indoor games for the convenience of the participants during their stay at campus. A separate hall has been earmarked at hostel complex for recreation purpose to the participants and a colour television has been provided with cable connection.

Indoor And Outdoor Games
The Institute provides facilities for outdoor games as well as indoor games for the convenience of the participants during their stay at campus. A separate hall has been earmarked at hostel complex for recreation purpose to the participants and a colour television has been provided with cable connection.
Yoga classes are also arranged for the benefit of the participants
Hostel Block
A Hostel Block with 50 rooms of double occupancy and quarters for Principal, Faculty members and Administrative staff. All the Training Programs conducted at ACSTI are on residential basis.

Canteen facility is available to the participants with modern kitchen facility and a spacious dining hall.

Surveillance Camera
In ACSTI campus, 24 CC TV cameras have been installed.