* A small group of rural poor voluntarily formed to save and mutually agree to contribute to a common fund to the lent to its member as per group discussion.

* In Tamil Nadu SHG was first started in Dharmapuri District in the year 1989 with the assistance of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

* SHG is an informal group and registration under any societies act.

* SHG may normally consist of 10 to 20 Women Members. However, in areas like deserts, hill areas the number of members in the group may be from 5 to 20.

* The age group for formation of SHGs is from 18 to 60 residing in the same area.

* A Person should not be a Member of more than one group.

* The corpus fund is created based on the regular savings by the members, interest earning and the revolving fund (RF) from the institutions.

* The Bank loan was given to the SHGs by Term loan and Cash credit limit (CCL).

* The Loans to the SHGs is based on the Corpus fund at the ratio of 1:6 to 1:8 as per the RBI Guidelines.

* The Maximum loan given per SHGs is 20.00 Lakhs without the collateral.

* As on 31.03.2024, TNSC Bank disbursed refinance to the tune of Rs.423.91 Crores to DCCBs .